School office is open from the 25th
29th - Teacher Only Day
1st - Teacher Only Day
2nd - First day of the 2016 school year.
6th - Waitangi Day at Whakarongotai Marae (Kapa Haka children to be involved)
8th - Waitangi Day - No School
9th - Touch Rugby starts up again
11th - River Day
12th - WHEELS DAY - Whole school event. Breakfast provided for those keen :)
12th - Powhiri for new students/staff/families to our school on the turf 9.30am ALL welcome
15th - Parent open evening (See newsletter/school website for more information)
18th - Survivor Day/Night (All children home at 3pm then return for the night at 7pm)
19th - Survivor Day continued - Sausage sizzle lunch followed by a swim at the Aquatic Centre
21st - Waikanae Beach Carnival
22nd - School Swimming Sports - Waikanae Pools
23rd - Interschool Triathlon for Year 7/8 students
25th - Technology
26th - Whole School Assembly (Waikanae Memorial Hall)
28th - Kapiti Junior Touch - School Vs School Tournament
4th - Reliever in class while Mrs Cameron attends a Mandarin/Chinese Language learning day
4th - Leadership application due in - Mrs Cameron has shared the form with all students in Drive.
8th - Inter school Swimming Sports - Mrs Cameron taking children. Paul Williams relieving.
9th - First Year 8 Gardisal Vaccination (Girls)
11th - Reliever in class while Mrs Cameron attends a Mandarin/Chinese Language learning day
17th - Last touch rugby games
20th - Touch Rugby Prize giving
25th - Good Friday
27th - Easter Sunday
28th - Easter Monday
29th - Easter Holiday observed
30th - Mrs Parkinson teaching while Mrs Cameron has her first release day for Running Records.
31st - Technology (Replacement day to make up for Tuesday which we missed from Easter)
6th - Onesie Wednesday for AUTISM AWARENESS DAY - Gold coin donation
7th - Reliever in class while Mrs Cameron puts on her Mummy hat for Riley's tooth extraction.
8th - Whole School Assembly
14th - New Parent's evening in the school staffroom - 7-9pm
15th - Last day of Term 1
25th - ANZAC Day
26th and 27th - Mrs Cameron attending the GAFE Summit at Amesbury School
2nd - First day of Term 2
18th - Young Leaders Day (leadership team attending with Mrs Cameron + some parents)
19th - GYMNASTICS begins at the Waikanae Memorial Hall
25th and 26th - School Disco - More info TBA
27th - Tuff Guy/Gal Challenge for those who brought permission slips to school last term.
30th - Keep ourselves safe programme will begin
31st - Rippa rugby session with Ryan Shelford 11.45-12.30pm
1st - School Cross Country for Years 4-8
2nd - Matariki Celebrations at Whakarongotai Marae - Mr Hawker relieving while Mrs Cameron runs a Pepeha workshop at the Marae. The Marae is open all day!
3rd - Writers workshop (6 students from each class have been selected) Miss Williams and Miss Green will be attending with these children.
6th - Queens Birthday - No School
7th-9th - Mrs Cameron and Mrs Johnson on a tips for autism course in Levin. Mr Harker relieving.
10th - School Photos
10-12th - WORLD VISION 40 hr FAMINE
21st - Interschool x-country
22nd - Kapiti College Open Day for the Year 8 Students
24th - Mrs Cameron at Mandarin Course
27th - HAIRSPRAY - Watch dress rehearsal at Kapiti College
30th - Mrs Cameron having a release day - Mrs Lumsden relieving
4th - Paraparaumu College Open Day for the Year 8 Students
6th and 7th - Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews - CLICK HERE for the booking site
8th - Last day of Term 2
25th - First day of Term 3
29th - Polar Bear Swim
4th - STALLS DAY - fundraising for Ski Camp
12th - Whole School Assembly
18th - Senior Winter Tournament for those involved
23-26th - SKI CAMP
1st - DANCE SPLASH performance at the Michael Fowler Centre for those involved.
2nd - Technology (makeup from when we were at camp)
5th - Teacher Only Day
7th - Disco
9th - School Assembly (Mrs Brown relieving as Mrs Cameron is in Taupo for Riley's rugby tournament)
12th - Half Day due to the Union Meeting Teachers have to attend.
14th - Beach Clean Up for selected students.
15th - Frank van Kampen shield (annual memorial sports clash between Kapanui and Waikanae)
16th - Science Roadshow in our school hall
19th - Wizard of Oz @ Paraparaumu College
23rd - Last day of Term 3
10th - First day of Term 4
24th - Labour Day - No School
20th - Last day of the year
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