This term we are looking at biographies and writing them ourselves.
Today we were practicing the skill of note taking when listening to information. We learnt a lot about Roald Dahl while listening to his biography. One of which was his love of words in which he invented over 500! We decided to create our own words which you can read below.
SCOOGIGAZE - Something to be sad about (Brocky)
STORNTED - Unhappy, rage, angry (Nui)
CENTOS - Coke and Mentos make an explosion (Nathan)
MAMWANYA - Scram, go away (Alfie)
NIBNOBBLER - Someone that is very annoying (Kyan)
ZAM-ZOONABSLED - Confused (Lucy)
DIANTREEKED - Dying nature (Jamie)
HAMBERJU - A person who lives in a big tree (Joel)
GOOGY - Googly eyes (Takave)
MOMONITION - Angry, rage, upset (Will)
STARVIONES-DOENLY - Someone who is very hungry for doughnuts and is starving
NARON - not to be done (Tayne)
ZSMELIP - When you want someone to lower their voice (Molly)
EGGCRACKTHE - to break everything (Cole)
SNIGGOBBLE-YAK-YIP - A disliking to vegetables or wet grass (Maddie)
KAWEWE - Feeling really fun, crazy, happy and amazing all at once (Sarah M)
FRAGLYHOOPED - To be excited (Aiden)
KINDFULLY - people should be nice and kind to other people (Katrina)
SCRIBBLESMACKER - A person that does nothing by scribble (Sarah F)
PENSTAPORPOISES - When you are so excited you could explode (Lilly)
HUPPBRANE - A little rat that wears a skirt and shows off to other rats (Sapphire)
GLOOPALAY - A living thing that is a liquid and a gas (Zaki)
MONSHEG - A word you would use instead of swearing (Jemma)
BEGUFFELD - Gobsmacked or surprised (Oskar)
SNUFFLEPUFF-DUVLEDUFF - To laugh hysterically in a very annoying way (Dylan)
PLASHOON - When you step in puddles with your socks (Vanessa)
PILLPOPER - When you have over 20 pills a day (Jonathan)